How emotions, aftercare and the Suitical products contribute to a happy recovery!

To overview

In recent years, many researchers like neuroscientist Jaak Panksepp have done much research on emotions in animals. Animals and humans appear to experience the same basic emotions. For their well-being, it is important to minimize negative emotions and promote positive emotions, also during recovery. In this blog, you will learn how to do this.

But first… Which negative emotions do pets experience?

  • Rage: During recovery, a pet may experience frustration, anger or irritation when he is hampered in its daily activity, such as moving, eating, and drinking. For example when wearing a cone of shame. A cone of shame should be worn around a dog’s neck to prevent him from reaching the wound. However, pets bump into furniture, as you can see in this video. Moreover, they can’t reach their food and drink bowl or the stuffed toy they always sleep with.
  • Fear: When an animal experiences fear, it will react by fighting, flighting, or freezing. These are ways to protect themselves from (potential) danger, such as pain, loud noises, and unexpected events. When pets must wear a cone of shame during recovery, sounds are amplified, and their vision can be hindered due to the funnel shape. Due to fear or discomfort, some animals quickly squeeze out of the collar, leaving the surgical area still unprotected.
  • Panic/Grief: This can be seen in separation anxiety, as well as when a household member (human or animal) passes away or during a visit to the veterinarian. Behaviors such as whimpering, whining, crying, and seeking comfort can be observed. That’s why it’s important to offer pets support during difficult times. Especially during their recovery.

We want to avoid these negative emotions as much as possible. Especially during recovery, our loyal friends needs some extra TLC. How can you do this? Give your dog or cat the comfort he deserves. Thanks to the Suitical products, your pet can move, eat, and drink comfortably during recovery. In this way, the focus can be on positive emotions, as you can read below.

Which positive emotions do pets feel and how can they contribute to a happy recovery?

  • Play: Playing with other pets or humans creates a pleasant feeling. Even during recovery or when having skin conditions, animals may still want to play. The Suitical products protect the pet, the problem area and its environment, also during play.
  • Seeking: This emotion is associated with exploring the environment. Many animals still want to explore during recovery. However, the pet cone makes it difficult to move freely, explore, and sniff around. This can lead to behavior problems. With the Suitical products, on the other hand, dogs and cats can still go on their exploration adventures. Suitical products cover the problem area and the fabric and materials ensure optimal air circulation. This allows your pet to explore safely and recover comfortably.
  • Care: This emotion involves caretaking, affection and love that owners give to their pets. Oxytocin, also known as the cuddle hormone, plays an important role in this emotion. It is activated through cuddling, touching, and making eye contact. Especially during recovery, animals may need some extra TLC, but this might be difficult when they wear a cone of shame. With the Suitical products, your dog or cat can lie comfortably with you, and you can cuddle and pet them as usual. Moreover, the products cover the problem area, protecting your pet(s), kids, yourself and furniture from interfering with the problem area. This reduces the chance of infections!

Researcher Daniel Mills added the emotion ‘pain’ to this list. Pain can cause physical and mental discomfort. That’s why effective treatment and quick recovery are crucial.

Happy feelings during recovery? That’s possible with the Suitical products! Together we can make the difference in the life of our loyal friends!